Aug 25, 2017

Sep 03, 2012 Your Internet access is blocked Firewall or antivirus Your Internet access is blocked Firewall or antivirus software may have blocked the connection. 0 Recommended Answers 14 Replies 670 Upvotes. I have looked through all articles that have been posted on the forum and nothing has worked. My problem shows below when trying to access chrome. AVG Firewall is preventing Ancestry FTM accessing internet

Jul 13, 2018

Sep 18, 2017 Block a Program from Accessing Internet in Windows 10 Make sure you’ve turned on Windows Firewall in Windows 10. If not, turn it on. Step 2: Click the Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall link on the left pane. Step 3: On the Allowed apps page, click the Change settings button. Check whether the application you want to block from internet access is in the Allowed apps and features

Family tree maker is not connecting to the internet

Configure firewalls so that Firefox can access the Internet A personal firewall is a security program that oversees all of your computer's connections to the Internet. It may be included as part of an Internet security suite, or it may be a free-standing program. Most personal firewalls will deny Internet access to any program, or a new version of any program, unless you have specifically allowed access. Adjust Windows 10 Firewall Rules & Settings Sep 27, 2016 How to Allow or Block a Program Through Firewall Windows 10 Sep 19, 2019