Nov 04, 2008 · Yeah but I am also worried about noise and heat - the iMac/AppleTV and Time Capsule are whisper quiet as I have them laid out on a surface and not stacked or anything - I tried 'tidying' them up in a rack but even with loads of ventilation it caused the fans to come on a lot (on apple tv and time capsule) so they sit side-by-side with each other now. Feb 14, 2014 · Can Apple TV play data (photo's & music) stored on an Airport Time Capsule? Asked by fn Feb 14, 2014 Supplementary products such as AirPort Time Capsule, the 3rd gen Apple TV, and the Apple Thunderbolt Display surely didn’t generate a lot of revenue, but completed the unique Apple experience at Feb 06, 2008 · Works with iPhone, Apple TV and more Time Capsule works flawlessly with Apple TV, iPhone, iPod touch, and all your other Wi-Fi devices that use the 802.11a/b/g and 802.11n draft 2.0 wireless standards.2 To use your Time Capsule, you need a wireless-enabled computer that’s compliant with IEEE 802.11a, 802.11b, or 802.11g standards, or with an IEEE 802.11n draft specification. To set up your Time Capsule, your computer must meet the requirements listed below. Note: To use your Time Capsule with Time Machine in Mac OS X Leopard, you need to Nov 16, 2018 · Apple back in April ended development on its AirPort line of products, which includes the $99 AirPort Express, the $199 AirPort Extreme, and the $299 AirPort Time Capsule.. At the time the ‎It's finally here! For the first time ever, iPhone users can now schedule a message to any mobile number in the US. Select an exact moment, from 1 minute up to 25 years into the future – recipients can be anyone with a smartphone! Get the digital time-capsule that lets you send video, picture, t…

Time Capsule moves Apple's popular AirPort line of wireless base stations one step closer into the realm of embedded servers, providing shared file and print services in addition to acting as a

Time Capsule 可与其他经过认证的 802.11n 设备协作。 同时,它与采用 802.11a、b 、g、n和ac 技术的 Mac 及 PC 电脑,以及 iPhone、iPod touch、iPad 和 Apple TV 等无线设备兼容。

Mac - AirPort Time Capsule - Apple

Time Capsule moves Apple's popular AirPort line of wireless base stations one step closer into the realm of embedded servers, providing shared file and print services in addition to acting as a Feb 03, 2011 · Leslie plans to bury a time capsule that summarises life in Pawnee; Andy asks Chris for help. Time Capsule(タイムカプセル)とは、アップルが開発・販売する、バックアップ用ハードディスクを搭載する無線LAN ルーターである。2008年 1月15日にサンフランシスコで開催されたMacworld Conference & Expo 2008で発表された。