Jan 01, 2000 · MS DOS 6.0 introduced the ability to specify multiple configurations in the Config.sys and Autoexec.bat. This feature can be used for different situations: Dual boot situation with the option to either boot in DOS with all device drivers loaded (CDROM etc.), or to boot in Windows 95 where it should not load any DOS device drivers.

Every new integer you add requires both a Web.Config key and a Config class property. If you don't need the power of the Web.Config transforms (unlikely, cause they're useful), you could put them all directly in the Config/Constants class, and skip the need to int.Parse() – arserbin3 May 1 '14 at 19:46 This entry has information about the startup entry named Microsoft Config that points to the MSCONF.EXE file. This program should not be allowed to start. Please visit this result for more In the event that you wish to create a startup menu that will permit you to choose between Windows and MS-DOS at startup, it can be done by editing your "Config.sys" and "Autoexec.bat" files. The syntax of the startup menu is identical to the syntax on Win 9x systems. Jan 22, 2013 · This tutorial shows how to run msconfig (open System Configuration window) on windows 8 using mouse STEPS ----- 1) Type msconfig on start screen 3) Click

How to open MSConfig in Windows 10

Troubleshooting using MS Config you will enable one of the programs either on the Startup or Services tab that was causing an issue with your game. Once you Timeout field - Using Msconfig can cause the operating system selection screen to display for thirty seconds; as a result, thirty seconds is added to the overall startup time. To prevent the operating selection screen from appearing for thirty seconds on startup, change the timeout line in the Timeout field to zero. If the menu item is selected from the startup menu, DOS carries out the commands in the associated configuration block, as well as any commands at the beginning of CONFIG.SYS and any commands in the configuration blocks with the [COMMON] command header.

Identifying What Runs at Startup on SQL Server

Run Startup Repair again: Click/tap on Advanced options, and go to step 2 above. Sometimes it may take running Startup Repair up to 3 times and restarting the PC each time to fix the startup issue. Boot Windows 10: Click/tap on Advanced options, go to step 2 above, but click/tap on Continue instead. Turn Off PC: Click/tap on Shut down. Every new integer you add requires both a Web.Config key and a Config class property. If you don't need the power of the Web.Config transforms (unlikely, cause they're useful), you could put them all directly in the Config/Constants class, and skip the need to int.Parse() – arserbin3 May 1 '14 at 19:46